Once we leave the teenage years, we may think acne is a thing of the past. But later in life, an imbalance of hormones can shake things up and acne takes center stage again.

An endocrine imbalance is the culprit responsible for triggering hormonal acne. Women in mid-cycle and/or right before their periods are easy prey. These are the two times a month when estrogen and testosterone spike. These two hormones can accumulate if not properly detoxed. And when estrogen dominates, the complexion is fertile ground where inflamed skin and acne can thrive.

Luckily there is a natural solution that may provide relief.

The first step is to pay attention to your diet. The food you ingest can disrupt your hormones which in turns, produces inflammation. But on the flip side, the right kinds of food can balance hormones and soothe your skin. We’ll examine the foods which work for and against your hormones.

5 Foods to Avoid:

1. Soy

Soy has been on the suspect list of instigating acne. If you think you are sensitive to soy, try eliminating it from your diet and see if your condition improves. It contains phytoestrogens which can create a hormonal imbalance.



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