Remove Those Annoying Dark Patches On The Neck, Underarms And Inner Thighs In 15 Minutes!

Dark skin spots or patches are a common issue which affects many people and even though it’s not a medical problem per say it still very unattractive and everyone who has it tries their best to fix this condition. They usually appear on the neck, under the arms and on the inner thighs and can be a result of a combination of factors. Ineffective cleaning of the neck area, excessive sun exposure or a genetics issue are the most common causes of this condition. Other known causes include diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, and sudden weight gain or weight loss.

Dark skin patches can be removed via cosmetic treatments but these treatments usually involve the use of chemicals and can be rather costly. For those who don’t like to expose their skin to unnecessary chemical treatments or just can’t afford it, we’ve got the perfect natural remedy which guarantees amazing results.

Sodium Bicarbonate, Olive Oil and Salt


1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon baking soda



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